The Most Beautiful Triathlons in Europe


A triathlon is not just a sporting challenge but also a unique opportunity to explore the beauty of Europe. From crystal-clear lakes to picturesque coastlines and majestic mountains, the continent offers a variety of stunning venues for triathlon events. In this blog post, we will take you on a virtual journey to discover the most … Read more

Endurance Swim Training for Triathletes

Swimming is one of the three sports that make up a triathlon. It is also one of the most challenging, as it requires a great deal of endurance. If you are new to triathlons, or if you are looking to improve your swimming endurance, there are a few things you can do to get started. … Read more

The Future of Endurance Sports Training: Artificial Intelligence

PerfectPace cyclist racing

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the world, and the field of endurance sports is no exception. AI is being used to develop new training methods, track performance, and even predict injuries. One of the most promising applications of AI in endurance sports is the development of personalized training plans. AI can analyze an athlete’s … Read more

Training in times of the Corona virus

Corona virus

Who would have thought that in 2020 basically all sport competitions will be canceled? Some countries are already loosening their strict measures to reduce the spread of the virus and outdoor activities like running and cycling become possible again. But we don’t know if competitions will be possible at all this year, or if we … Read more

Cycling efficiency

Road bike cyclist

During a triathlon you spend most of the time on the bike. This is also the case when it comes to training for a triathlon. Therefore, it is just logical to try to spend the time on the bike as efficiently as possible in order to have enough energy reserves for the third discipline, the … Read more

Run efficiency analysis

Läufer auf der Straße

Running – for many it’s the greatest sport in the world. For others, it is the hardest part of a triathlon. Hour after hour is invested into steady state training. Training theory claims that it is worth the effort, but what are the actual training effects on your body? For most runners, who don’t spend … Read more

PerfectPace’s intelligent training-plan algorithm

3D Graph

PerfectPace took another step towards the future with its intelligent training plan algorithm that is based on proven methods from sport science. It takes into account your individual fitness level, your available training time and your seasonal goal. 100% science A PerfectPace training plan is 100% based on scientific findings. Every single activity that … Read more

Training impulse

zwei Radfahrer

Training impulse or Trimp (sometimes TSS) is a measurement of the impulse each training has on your body. This impulse causes adaptions within your body to become fitter. A few examples of such changes are: muscle growth improved fat metabolism increased number of mitochondria improved neuromuscular coordination improved efficiency higher oxygen consumtion (VO2max) and much … Read more

RoyFit Watt-Test

The RoyFitWatt-Test is a great tool to determine your ideal race power effort with a four minute test. How does it work?First of all perform a thorough warmup. This should include at least one short sprint and a high cadence session to get your muscles ready for the test. We recommend that you do the test … Read more

Variables in your workout description

PerfectPace allows you to use variables in the workout description. These get replaced by the current values in your athlete profile. This is very helpful for activities that are stored in the workout library. The description will always be correct for you or your athletes if you are a trainer. When editing the description you … Read more

The Critical Power Chart

What is Critical Power? Critical Power, or maximum mean power (MMP), is the best average power (measured in watt) you can produce on a bike in a given time frame. A Critical Power for five minutes (denoted as CP5) of 300 watt means that you can drive for five minutes with 300 watt, before you … Read more

The Performance Management Chart

The performance management chart is one of the key elements within PerfectPace that can improve your training analysis in many ways. The chart will tell you about your current training condition, fitness, fatigue and it can warn you in case you get into over training. It is not limited to a single sport but allows … Read more